
  • Digital Technologies Research and Applications

    • E-ISSN: 2754-5687
    • Frequency: Semiyearly
    • Language: English
    • E-mail:

    Aims & Scope:

    Digital Technologies Research and Applications (DTRA) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published two issues a year in English-language, providing researchers, scholars, scientists, and engineers throughout the world with the exchange and dissemination of theoretical and practice-oriented papers dealing with digital technologies and applications. All the papers are refereed by at least two international reviewers and accepted papers will be available online (free access).

    Topics include, but are not limited to:

    • 5G Networks
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Big Data
    • Blockchain
    • Computer Graphics and Animation
    • Connected and Wearable Devices
    • Cybersecurity
    • Data Analytics
    • Data Mining
    • Digital Archiving and Preservation
    • Digital Humanities
    • Digital Museums
    • Digital Twins
    • Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing
    • Green Communications
    • Human-AI Interaction
    • Identity and Access Management
    • Immersive Technologies
    • Industrial Design
    • Industry 4.0
    • Intelligent Information Systems
    • Intelligent Sensing and Fusion
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Machine Learning
    • Multimedia Processing
    • Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition
    • Neurocomputing
    • Robotics
    • Sensor Networks
    • Smart Cities
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality
    • Web and Mobile App Development
  • Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters

    • E-ISSN: 2753-7544
    • Frequency: Semiyearly
    • Language: English
    • E-mail:

    Aims & Scope:

    Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters (PTND) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to original research work on all aspects of natural hazards, reflecting on the mechanisms of natural disasters, disaster prevention, treatment, and risk management, as well as community resilience assessment and enhancement under natural disasters. PTND is interested in all types of natural disasters, with an emphasis on weather and climate disasters (e.g., tropical cyclones, floods, wildfires, and extreme winds) and geological disasters (e.g., earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and landslides).

    Topics include, but are not limited to:

    • Mechanisms and nature of hazardous phenomena;
    • Disaster prevention, mitigation, and adaptation;
    • Disaster preparedness, response, and recovery;
    • Disaster risk management;
    • Resilience assessment and enhancement of physical and social infrastructure systems.
  • Journal of Intelligent Communication

    • E-ISSN: 2754-5792
    • Frequency: Semiyearly
    • Language: English
    • E-mail:

    Aims & Scope:

    Journal of Intelligent Communication is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal specializing in the field of intelligent communication research. The journal aims to promote the latest discoveries and insights in the field of intelligent communication, build a reliable platform for the development of the cultural industry in the era of intelligent media, and discuss and solve problems in all-media communication.
    The journal accepts original research articles, review articles, and short communications, especially the ones providing breakthrough results of theoretical or practical relevance.

    The journal publishes original contributions on all aspects of intelligent communication, including:

    • Artificial intelligence
    • Artificial intelligence for media and communications
    • Big data analytics
    • Computational intelligence
    • Content generation for media
    • Cyber security
    • Deep learning
    • Data mining and fusion
    • Data privacy protection
    • Explainable artificial intelligence for journalism
    • Extended, augmented, mixed, and virtual reality applications
    • E-commerce
    • Generative models
    • Human-computer interaction
    • Hybrid intelligent algorithms
    • Intelligent communication and social engagement
    • Intelligent exploration and recommendation technologies
    • Intelligent information systems
    • Immersive journalism
    • Intelligent media literacy
    • Intelligent network technologies
    • Media convergence
    • Media communication and productions
    • Multilingual and multimodal content analysis
    • New media art
    • Promotion mechanisms
    • Robot journalism
    • Social networks
    • Telecommunications
    • Trends in media development
  • New Energy Exploitation and Application

    • E-ISSN: 2754-5652
    • Frequency: Semiyearly
    • Language: English
    • E-mail:

    Aims & Scope:

    New Energy Exploitation and Application (NEEA) is an open access, international English language journal focusing on the latest developments in the field of energy. It publishes academic papers and reviews of the results of research on the sustainable development of various energy sources, as well as the relationship between energy and economy, environment, and policy. This journal integrates academic and ideological aspects, encourages innovation in thoughts and academics, advocates science, and devotes itself to academic prosperity. It aims to provide a communication platform for energy researchers, energy workers, and other people who study and care about energy development worldwide to disseminate, share and discuss the sustainable development of energy.

    The scope of articles collected in the journal is as follows:

    • biomass conversion
    • photovoltaic technology conversion
    • solar thermal applications
    • wind energy technology
    • solar energy and low energy buildings
    • geothermal technology
    • wave, tidal, and ocean thermal energy
    • hydroelectricity 
    • hydrogen technology and fuel cells 
    • nuclear energy
    • energy economics
  • Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives

    Aims & Scope:

    Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives is an open access, international English language journal that serves as a research hub for researchers to exchange and advance knowledge on emerging contaminants in soil and water environments.

    It focuses on not only chemicals of emerging concern such as PPCPs and PFAS, but also particles such as engineered nanoparticles and micro(nano)plastics in soils and water.

    Topics include, but are not limited to:

    • Occurrence, source identification, and pathways
    • Detection, analysis, and monitoring
    • Fate and transport
    • Toxicity, impact, and risk assessment
    • Remediation and treatment
    • Green technologies and sustainability