Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters


Towards Recovery: An Analysis of Post‑Disaster Recovery Practices in Australia


Downing-Donnelly, M., & Ahmed, I. (2025). Towards Recovery: An Analysis of Post‑Disaster Recovery Practices in Australia. Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters, 4(1), 17–35.


  • Miles Downing-Donnelly Patrick Terminals, Gate B105A, Penrhyn Rd, Botany, NSW 2019, Australia
  • Iftekhar Ahmed
    School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia

The occurrence of disasters is increasing in frequency and magnitude in Australia as a result of climate change. According to projections, disasters related to climate change and also other types of disasters are expected to impose an increasing burden on Australian communities and will increasingly challenge the capabilities of governments and other agencies to manage the post-disaster response and recovery. This paper explores whether Australian post-disaster recovery practices can be augmented to support and empower those impacted by catastrophic disasters. The research used a case study methodology to explore examples of major recent disasters in Australia and suggests how disaster recovery can be augmented by extending existing practices and/or utilising alternative practices. Recovery practices were identified from the literature and the selected case studies, and were analysed for importance, effectiveness and future potential improvements. Community engagement has been identified as a key factor in assessing the appropriate disaster recovery decisions and actions. The research on the disaster context and practices coupled with a review of the current scholarly discourse has been used to propose an indicative community recovery support matrix as a way of assisting governments and agencies involved in disaster recovery to develop strategies in the initial stage of supporting impacted communities.


Australia; Bushfires; Floods; Post-disaster Recovery; Recovery Support Matrix


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