Assessing Drought Pattern Through Satellite Based Observation in the Koshi River Basin, Nepal

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Drought identification is crucial for different environmental and ecological considerations. This study observed the spatial and temporal variation of drought based on satellite-derived vegetation condition index (VCI) on different time scales i.e. Winter, Pre-monsoon, and Annual compared with remotely sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST) and precipitation. MODIS NDVI product, LST, and meteorological station data for rainfall were used. VCI was used to classify drought. The Pearson correlation between VCI with LST and precipitation was conducted. The results show that severe drought was detected in 2001 in winter and pre-monsoon season and also in 2006 during pre-monsoon season. No severe drought was detected on the annual time scale but normal droughts were found in several years. The VCI trends have increased at the rate of 1.29 yr-1, 1.52 yr-1 and 1.72 yr-1 for annual, winter, and pre-monsoon respectively. Conversely, the LST decreased at the rate of 0.007 yr-1, 0.044 yr-1 and 0.028 yr-1 during annual, winter, and pre-monsoon. These increased VCI and decreased LST indicates decreases in drought trends on a yearly scale. The positively increased Anomaly of VCI (AVCI) indicates a better vegetation growth under moist soil condition. The VCI was also linked with precipitation showing positive correlation on annual and pre-monsoon time scales but a negative correlation with the winter season. The correlation between LST and VCI was negative in all time scales and more significant during pre-monsoon and winter season. This study helps to understand vegetation-based drought and its relation with temperature and precipitation in the Koshi basin in Nepal.
Vegetation Condition Index; Land Surface Temperature; Precipitation; Drought; Koshi River BasinReferences
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