Big Data Challenges and Opportunities for Disaster Early Warning System


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The application of big data in early warning systems (EWS) for multi-hazard risk management is becoming increasingly popular due to its enormous potential. Nevertheless, despite noteworthy achievements, there are still several enduring obstacles. This study aims to evaluate the advantages and difficulties through a comprehensive SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis and the use of existing literature. An extensive literature analysis was conducted, incorporating perspectives of researchers from diverse background investigating both technical and social elements. The study results showed several notable strengths, such as unmatched accuracy and comprehensiveness, the incorporation of several data sources to improve prediction and forecasting, and the exploitation of up-to-the-minute data. On the other hand, problems, such as insufficient monitoring of hazards and a scarcity of interconnected sensors, especially common in less developed countries, were recognized. Lack of adequate coverage leaves a substantial percentage of the population vulnerable to disaster risks as a result of inadequate early warning systems. Ultimately, although big data offers significant possibilities, its complete capacity remains unexplored in the least developing nations due to existing obstacles, such as shortage of skilled worker, data accuracy and privacy which can be solved by enhancing technology education, capacity building, and practice. The objective of this study is to help such nations identify and overcome underlying challenges by implementing suitable measures.
disaster early warning system (EWS) big data SWOTHighlights
- Extensive literature analysis on Big data and Early warning system
- SWOT analysis integrating diverse perspectives
- Unmatched accuracy and comprehensiveness in hazard prediction
- Improved forecasting through integration of multiple data sources
- Identification of challenges like insufficient hazard monitoring and sensor connectivity
- Recommendations for enhancing technology education and capacity building
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