
The Convincing Cosmic Energy Gravitational Genesis of the Strongest Geomagnetic Anomalies of the Magnetic Field of the Earth


V. Simonenko, S. (2024). The Convincing Cosmic Energy Gravitational Genesis of the Strongest Geomagnetic Anomalies of the Magnetic Field of the Earth . Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters, 3(1).


  • Sergey V. Simonenko
    V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

The author presents convincing evidence of the cosmic (planetary and solar) energy gravitational origin (related to the maximal and minimal combined planetary and solar integral energy gravitational influences on the internal rigid core of the Earth) of the maximal temporal intensifications of the global magnetic processes of the Earth. In fairly good agreement with the calculated date 2007.416666666 AD (of the local minimal planetary and solar integral energy gravitational influence on the internal rigid core), it was observed the very rapid changes of the geomagnetic field near the date March 2007 AD (corresponding approximately to 19-20 April 2007 AD). This fairly good agreement gives the additional convincing argument that the date March 2007 AD can be considered as the possible beginning of the geomagnetic reversal during the evaluated range (2007÷2216) AD. The strong magnetic anomaly occurred on 6 January 2020 AD in perfect agreement with the calculated date 2020.016666667 AD (corresponding to 6 January 2020 AD) related to the local maximal planetary and solar integral energy gravitational influence on the internal rigid core. In fairly good agreement with the calculated date 2023.26666666 AD (corresponding approximately to 7 April 2023 AD) of the local maximal planetary and solar integral energy gravitational influence on the internal rigid core, it was observed the strongest (during the last 6 years) magnetic anomaly on 23 March 2023 AD. These convincing agreements demonstrate the physical validity of the established global prediction thermohydrogravidynamic principles, which can be considered as the proven physical basis for the development of the general unified geophysical theory (describing the possible geomagnetic reversal during the evaluated  range (2007 ÷ 2216) AD) combining the Special Theory of Relativity, the relativistic electrodynamics and the relativistic theory of the non-stationary gravitation, which can be developed based on the established physical analogy between the established relation  for the energy flux (of the gravitational energy) and the Lorentz’s calibration condition (for the vector potential related with the scalar potential of the non-stationary electromagnetic field).


non-stationary gravitation of the solar system generalized formulation of the first laws of thermodynamics global seismotectonic and magnetic processes the problem of the geomagnetic reversal thermohydrogravidynamic theory and technology global prediction thermohydrogravidynamic principles


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