
For the Classification of Anomalous Geophysical Fields that Existed Prior to an Earthquake


Kachakhidze, M., Nino Kachakhidze-Murphy, Kukhianidze, V., Ramishvili , G., & Khvitia , B. (2024). For the Classification of Anomalous Geophysical Fields that Existed Prior to an Earthquake. Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters, 3(1), 1–16.


  • Manana Kachakhidze
    Natural Hazard Scientific‐Research Center, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi 0175, Georgia
  • Nino Kachakhidze-Murphy Natural Hazard Scientific‐Research Center, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi 0175, Georgia
  • Vaso Kukhianidze School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ilia State University, Tbilisi 0162, Georgia
  • Giorgi Ramishvili School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ilia State University, Tbilisi 0162, Georgia
  • Badri Khvitia Sokhumi Institute of Physics and Technology, Tbilisi 0186, Georgia

The consolidated paper presents work carried out in the sphere of earthquake problems. On the base of theoretical and experimental studies, it is shown earthquake prediction possibility. There are discussed earthquake indicators and triggering exogenous factors in the example of the Caucasus region. Because the earthquake preparation process causes anomalous changes with complex characteristics in various geophysical fields, it is given scientifically proven suggestions for the classification of these fields as earthquake precursors, indicators, and triggering factors. It offers a short-term plan for future work in the earthquake prediction direction.



earthquake prediction precursor trigger indicator


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