A Vulnerability Curve Method to Assess Risks of Climate-Related Hazards at County Level


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A comprehensive risk assessment of different types of natural disasters at the county level can promote quantitative disaster risk assessment and can provide a scientific basis for the formulation of disaster prevention measures. Focusing on climate-related hazards and based on natural disaster risk assessment theories and methods, this study integrates disaster statistics, meteorological data, geographic information, and other multivariate data to quantify the hazards of various disasters and the vulnerability and exposure of hazard-bearing bodies and conducts an integrated assessment of comprehensive risks of multiple climate-related hazards in Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province. Typhoon disaster risk is high in the central and northern parts of this county and low in its surroundings, with high-risk areas mainly distributed in Lingxi Town to the north. The comprehensive risk distribution patterns of drought and flood disasters in Cangnan County are similar: low in the south and high in the north. With the method of standard deviation, the comprehensive risk of multiple climate-related hazards in Cangnan County shows a distribution pattern of being low in the south and high in the north, with high risk in the northeast and low risk in the northwest and south.
Climate-related hazards comprehensive risk county scale typhoon drought and flood.References
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