Clinical Research
Otorhinolaryngology practice in the rural area

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Objective: In this study, our aim was to evaluate statistically demographic distribution, presenting complaints, requested examinations, prescribed drugs, and follow-up recommendations related to the patients who applied to the otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinics in a rural area of Turkey.
Methods: Examinations, and treatments applied by three physicians on separate days, and at different times of the day in outpatient clinics were recorded.
Results: When the complaints of the patients were analyzed, upper respiratory tract infections were observed as the most frequent causes of hospital referrals. It has been indicated that any tests had not been required from majority of the patients, and if required, most of them were audiological tests. Prescriptions were written for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, and follow-up visits were not recommended for half of the patients.
Conclusion: As deduced from this study, primary, and secondary health care services provide 1/3, and 2/3 of otorhinolaryngology services in the rural areas of Turkey.