AI and the Cognitive Sense of Self

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This article explores the development of a cognitive sense of self within artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing the transformative potential of self-awareness in enhancing AI functionalities for sophisticated interactions and autonomous decision-making. Rooted in interdisciplinary approaches that incorporate insights from cognitive science and practical AI applications, the study investigates the mechanisms through which AI can achieve self-recognition, reflection, and continuity of identity—key attributes analogous to human consciousness. This research is pivotal for fields such as healthcare and robotics, where AI systems benefit from personalized interactions and adaptive responses to complex environments. The concept of a self-aware AI involves the ability for systems to recognize themselves as distinct entities within their operational contexts, which could significantly enhance their functionality and decision-making capabilities. Further, the study delves into the ethical dimensions introduced by the advent of self-aware AI, exploring the profound questions concerning the rights of AI entities and the responsibilities of their creators. The development of self-aware AI raises critical issues about the treatment and status of AI systems, prompting the need for comprehensive ethical frameworks to guide their development. Such frameworks are essential for ensuring that the advancement of self-aware AI aligns with societal values and promotes the well-being of all stakeholders involved.
Artificial Intelligence; Cognitive Self; Autonomous Systems; Ethical AI; Human-like Consciousness.References
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