Journal of Intelligent Communication


Empirical Study on the Influence of Different Mathematical Methods on Chat GPT (AI) Competence in Solving Quadratic Root Functions


CHEW, P. C., Haydar Akca, Masanori Fukui, & Ng, K. T. (2025). Empirical Study on the Influence of Different Mathematical Methods on Chat GPT (AI) Competence in Solving Quadratic Root Functions. Journal of Intelligent Communication, 3(1), 51–72.



This empirical study investigates the impact of two distinct mathematical problem-solving methods – the Algebraic Formula Method and the Newton Sum Method – on enhancing ChatGPT's competence in effectively solving quadratic root functions. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into mathematical problem-solving has paved the way for innovative approaches. In this study, we delve into the Algebraic Formula Method and the Newton Sum Method, essential techniques for solving quadratic root functions. We aim to showcase the profound influence of these methods on ChatGPT's capacity to excel in solving quadratic equations.


Through concrete evidence, we demonstrate ChatGPT's adept utilization of the Newton Sum Method for quadratic root function calculations. While ChatGPT can compute quadratic root functions of the form    using this method, its proficiency in using algebraic formula methods typically extends only up to . This marked discrepancy underscores the pivotal role that different methods play in amplifying the AI system's mathematical capabilities


The results of this study provide concrete evidence of ChatGPT's superior utilization of the Newton Sum Method for calculating quadratic root functions. The model adeptly computes expressions of the form   using this method, while its proficiency using algebraic formula methods is generally limited to . This striking discrepancy underscores the transformative impact that different methods can have on elevating the AI system's mathematical prowess.

Conclusion :

Pushing Boundaries: Pioneering Novel Maths Approaches for Overcoming Limitations in AI.  This study serves as an illuminating testament to the significance of pioneering innovative methodologies, rules, theorems, or formulas to surmount the current limitations in AI systems like ChatGPT. These innovative pursuits hold the key to unlocking the untapped potential that lies within, propelling AI systems to greater heights of proficiency. In essence, they offer a strategic pathway towards expanding the capabilities of AI and pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved.


The outcomes derived from this study underscore the significant influence wielded by the method selection in augmenting the mathematical competencies of ChatGPT. Particularly noteworthy is the application of the Newton Sum Method, which surfaces as a compelling exemplar. This method serves as a pivotal conduit through which the model surpasses its prior constraints, allowing it to venture into the realm of calculations entailing higher exponents.

Implications and Future Research:

These findings not only contribute to AI's mathematical competencies but also emphasize the need for pioneering new methods, rules, theorems, or formulas to further enhance AI systems like ChatGPT. Future research could explore the development of novel mathematical techniques tailored to AI systems, thus expanding their capabilities across diverse problem-solving domains.

Author Biography

Peter Chew is Mathematician, Inventor and Biochemist from National University Of Malaysia (UKM). Global issue analyst , Reviewer for Europe Publisher, Engineering Mathematics Lecturer , Author for 100 titles Books ( and 9 preprint articles published in the World Health Organization (WHO) and President of Research and Development Secondary School (IND) for Kedah State Association [2015-18]. Peter Chew also is CEO PCET, Ventures, Malaysia, PCET is a long research associate of IMRF (International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation), Institute of higher Education & Research with its HQ at India and Academic Chapters all over the world, PCET also Conference Partner in CoSMEd2021 by SEAMEO RECSAM.

Peter Chew obtain the Certificate of appreciation from Malaysian Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Adam Baba(2021), PSB Singapore. National QC Convention STAR AWARD (2 STAR), IMRF Outstanding Analyst Award 2019 , IMFR Inventor Award 2020 , the Best Presentation Award at the 8th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics ICEMP 2019 in Ningbo, China and Excellent award (Silver) of the virtual International, Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020 (3iDC2020).

Peter Chew as 2nd Plenary Speaker the 6th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference with a Mindanao Zonal Assembly on January 14, 2023, at the Immaculate Conception University, Bajada Campus, Davao City.

Peter Chew as Keynote Speaker of the 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS 2019) and the International Conference on Applications of Physics , Chemistry & Engineering Sciences, ICPCE 2020. Special Talk Speaker at the 2019 International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, the 100th CONF of the IMRF,2019, Goa , India, , Peter Chew as Session Chair of the ICCEMS 2019 and Moderator of CoSMEd 2021.

Invited speaker of the ATCM 2019, Leshan China, iCon-MESSSH’20 , iCon-MESSSH’21 , iCRI-22 LearnT - SMArET with Enhancement of thinking, Technology and life Skill, SEAMEO RECSAM, and Facilitator in the Regional Workshop on Education 4.0: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions towards SEAMEO Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Invited speaker of the LearnT-SMArET WITH INTEGRATION OF Thinking, Life Skills and Moral Values in line with Global Citizenship Education [GCED].

Peter Chew present Peter Chew rule in the ICMSCE 2019 and the ICOWOBAS 2019. Peter Chew present Peter Chew rule , Method , Theorem and PCET Calculator In COSMED 2019 . Peter Chew present Education 4.0 Calculator and App Raises Public Awareness of the Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination In the 4th ASEAN International conference on Education and Social Sciences.

Peter Chew have 8 publication(preprint) in world health Organization [WHO]
50 Publications in Europe PMC, 45 full text articles in Europe PMC , 62 Publication ORCID, 108 SCHOLARLY PAPERS at SSRN (The Social Science Research Network, an online repository for uploading preprint articles and working papers, has been recently acquired by publishing giant Elsevier) .

Future Knowledge article publication are Peter Chew Rule, Method, Theorem, formula , triangle Diagram and PCET Calculator ,Education 4.0 Calculator and Game Based Learning Peter Chew Triangle Diagram Rules. Note: Peter Chew Rule and Method publish at IMRF international book: Title What`s Now – What`s Next, Research Series . 2019.

Covid-19 article publication are Game Base Learning to Prevent Infection from COVID-19 share at WHO, Europe PMC) , some SSRN Medical Specialist e-journal and Preprint the Lancet. App Raises Public Awareness of the Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination, COVID-19 share at Europe PMC and some SSRN Medical Specialist e-journal. COVID-19 Vaccination Education App(1) share at Europe PMC and some SSRN Medical Specialist e-journal. Peter Chew Formula for calculate Covid-19 Vaccine efficiency publish at Research square, Science Gate and an invitation from the JERP as an invitation article(without APC). Asymptomatic covid-19 carriers education App (1) share at WHO , Europe PMC and

Peter Chew as invited guest at 2019 International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, India and International Conference on Mathematical, Engineering Application for sustainable Development 2019. University Malaya. Malaysia,.

Peter Chew Analytica’s views are published in Malaysian and international media. Peter Chew is an invited speaker for analytical perspectives at some seminars, same platform as ministerial speaker. Malaysian Health Minister (2021) Datuk Seri Dr. Adam Baba recommend Game Base Learning to Prevent Infection from COVID-19 s to Malaysian to prevent Covid-19 .


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  17. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Rule in Electrical Engineering (March 21, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
  18. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Rule In Aerospace Engineering (July 26, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
  19. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Method In Marine Engineering (March 22, 2024). Available at SSRN:
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  21. Chew, Peter, Application Of Peter Chew Rule In Astronomical Engineering (March 5, 2024). Available at SSRN:
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  23. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Rule In Pool Game (January 16, 2024). Available at SSRN:
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  25. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Rule In Criminology ( Bullet Trajectories Of Leaning Tower ) (February 8, 2024). Available at SSRN: or
  26. Chew, Peter, Pioneering Tomorrow's Super Power AI System With Peter Chew Theorem. Power Of Knowledge (October 28, 2023). Available at SSRN:
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  28. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Theorem in Civil Engineering (November 22, 2021). Available at SSRN:
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  30. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Theorem in Mechanical Engineering(Resultant Force) (January 6, 2023). Available at SSRN:
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  32. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Rule To Jib Crane (Mechanical Engineering) (March 21, 2023). Available at SSRN:
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  34. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Theorem for Quadratic Surds in Electrical Engineering (January 11, 2023). Available at SSRN:
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  36. Chew, P. Application of Peter Chew Theorem in Aerospace Engineering (August 8, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
  37. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Theorem in Marine Engineering (December 25, 2023). SSRN: or
  38. Chew, Peter, Application Of Peter Chew Theorem In Astronomical Engineering (March 17, 2024). Available at SSRN: or
  39. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Theorem in Pool Game (January 22, 2024). Available at SSRN: or
  40. Chew, Peter, Application of Peter Chew Theorem in Criminology (Bullet Trajectories Of Leaning Tower) (February 12, 2024). Available at SSRN: or