Improved Rate of Intelligent Surfaces for Vehicular Networks


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An intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is an array that consists of a large number of passive reflecting elements. Such a device possesses the potential to extend the coverage of transmission in future communication networks by overcoming the effects of non line-of-sight propagation. Accordingly, to present the case for utilizing IRS panels in future wireless networks, in this paper, we analyze a multi-user downlink network aided by IRS. In particular, by using a realistic 5G channel model, we compare the performance of the IRS-aided network with a decode and forward (DF) relay-aided scenario and a network without IRS or relay. Our analysis revealed the following: (i) At best, communication aided by a DF relay with perfect channel state information (CSI) could match the performance of the IRS-aided network with imperfect CSI when the channel estimation error was high and the number of users was large. (ii) IRS-aided communication outright outperformed the DF relay case when the transmit power was high or the number of users in the network was low. (iii) Increasing the number of elements in an IRS translated to greater quality of service for the users. (iv) IRS-aided communication showed better energy efficiency compared with the other two scenarios for higher quality of service requirements.
intelligent reflecting surface multi-users communications energy-efficiency power-minimizationReferences
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