This review paper presents Single-Inductor Dual-Output (SIDO) and Single-Inductor Multi-Output (SIMO) DC-DC converters with our proposed exclusive control method. First, we provide an overview of three fundamental types of switching converters: the buck converter, the boost converter, and the buck-boost converter, all using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals for their control. Next, we introduce SIDO converters with the exclusive control method, including the PWM control, the ripple control, the hysteretic control, and the soft-switching (with zero-voltage switching). In addition, we introduce its extension to a configuration of the dual-output Single Ended Inductor Converter (SEPIC) with the buck-boost converter, the high boost converter and the multiplied boost converter. Finally, we show exploration of four-output converters using our proposed voltage comparative circuit. The exclusive control method requires a few additional components but does not rely on current sensors. Also, it is not influenced by the output voltage or current value. Furthermore, we look ahead to future research directions for improving the subject.