The Thermohydraulic Characteristics Investigation of the Aluminum Alloy Monometallic Plate-finned Tube in Together with Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes


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The article is devoted to the investigation of aluminium alloy plate-finned tube characteristics regarding to the heat exchange intensification. Outer thick finning, inner ribs quantity and rib shape allow to increase heat exchange efficiency. However, the most important task is finding an optimal combination of pipe geometry parameters. Seven different ribbed tube samples were investigated during the experiment. The samples differed by geometry, quality and quantity of ribbing, and consequently hydraulic and thermodynamic characteristics. The main criteria for an integrated assessment of pressure losses and energy indicators were the criteria of Kirpichev and Antufiev. The above evaluation criteria were intended for an overall assessment of sample effectiveness based on experimental data. In advance and parallel with a natural experiment, a numerical experiment was conducted. The purpose of the numerical experiment was obtaining an adequate model of the heat exchange section to be used in a full-sized oil cooler model in the future. Thus, the article discusses the results of comparing natural and numerical investigations and the prospect of using the best sample in the oil cooler composition. The ultimate goal is the development of an automatic air-cooling apparatus with a compact high-performance oil cooler.
Plate-finned tube Heat exchange section Oil cooler Air-cooled heat exchanger Air-to-oil heat exchanger Intensifier Outer fin Inner rib Fin pitch Rib height Channel wall thickness Tube width Tube height Inner channel quantity Full-scale experReferences
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