New Energy Exploitation and Application


Geoinformation Systems in the Development of Solar Energy in Turkmenistan


Penjiyev, A. (2021). Geoinformation Systems in the Development of Solar Energy in Turkmenistan. New Energy Exploitation and Application, 1(1), 1–7.


  • A.M. Penjiyev
    Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 744032, Turkmenistan

The article considers the scientifically substantiated, systematized solar energy resource potentials of Turkmenistan. Geoinformation technological maps based on solar energy resource potentials for use in Turkmenistan have been developed, compiled. The obtained technical, economic potentials and environmental indicators from the use of power plants based on them have been developed. Solar geoinformation technological maps for the placement of water-lifting plants and solar thermal cells make it possible to increase energy efficiency and environmental safety. The expected environmental and economic effect of the use of solar-energy technological installations in the conditions of the Karakum desert zone is from: reduction of various harmful substances into the environment when selling at a price of 6 US dollars to CO2 carbon fund - 425437.3 tons per year, financial profit will be $ 2.5 million; fossil fuel savings 82.160 thousand tons of fuel equivalent per year or electricity generation of 663.4 GWh per year.


Geographic information systems Maps Solar energy Installations Technologies Energy supply Energy efficiency Karakum desert Turkmenistan


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