The Molecular Mechanisms of Tobacco-Related Oral Carcinogenesis

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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) causes a serious loss of facial function or death, and its morbidity is highly related to the usage of tobacco products. Uncovering the mechanisms of tobacco-related OSCC plays a vital role in the prevention and treatment of OSCC. The present review systematically and comprehensively discusses the known mechanisms of tobacco-related OSCC and offer a foundation for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tobacco-mediated OSCC. Scientific literature related to the incidence of tobacco-related OSCC and studies on mechanisms related to tobacco components are included, both in humans and animals. Among the 129 articles cited, three perspectives of the incidence of tobacco-related OSCC were evaluated: DNA adducts, receptor binding, and cocarcinogenic pathways. Tobacco-associated carcinogens cause OSCC by covalently binding to DNA to form DNA adducts or by binding to the receptors, and through the combined action of cocarcinogenic pathways. Three tobacco carcinogens that bind to DNA to form DNA adducts, two receptors that bind to carcinogens, five downstream pathways, and three cocarcinogen-related pathways were listed. This work evaluated the present research status of tobacco-related OSCC to enhance the pathogenesis knowledge of OSCC and offer a foundation for further research endeavours on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tobacco mediated OSCC.
Cigarette Smoking Tobacco Carcinogen Signalling Pathways Oral Squamous Cell CarcinomaReferences
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