Digital Technologies Research and Applications


Fan-Beam Projection-Based Feature Extraction for Facial Expression Recognition


Alphonse, A. S. (2022). Fan-Beam Projection-Based Feature Extraction for Facial Expression Recognition. Digital Technologies Research and Applications, 1(1), 2–5.


  • A. Sherly Alphonse
    Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India

This paper presents a novel method of feature extraction using Fan beam projection-based data. The Fanbeam projection covers the image completely and hence gathers all the important information. Even though the image quality is distorted, this type of feature extraction method helps to gather all the important information as there is a huge volume of projection data. Also, the use of multiple detectors speeds up the entire process. All the projections of the image together form a sinogram image which is unique for each facial expression image. Hence, the sinogram image is divided into grids and the histogram formation results in a feature vector for each image. The classification of these feature vectors using Radial Basis Function-based Extreme learning Machine (RBF-ELM) results in high classification accuracy for all the datasets.


Feature Expression Fan-beam Emotion Classification Image


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