New Energy Exploitation and Application

Meet the Editors | Interview with Prof. Dr. Adnan SÖZEN—Editor-in-Chief of New Energy Exploitation and Application


Prof. Dr. Adnan SÖZEN, a distinguished scholar with a current research focus on nanofluids, was interviewed in this series. He holds the prestigious position of Editor-in-Chief at New Energy Exploitation and Application (ISSN: 2754-5652,, a burgeoning publication.

In a concise Q&A session, Prof. Dr. Adnan SÖZEN provided his perspectives on the research field and articulated his aspirations for the journal:

1. Can you share with us details regarding your academic background?

I completed my undergraduate education in Mechanical Engineering in 1986. Then, during my postgraduate studies, I entered scientific life as a Research Assistant at Gazi University (Ankara-Turkey) in 1987 and completed my PhD in 1994. Since the beginning of my academic career, I have published 171 articles in SCI journals on energy technologies. I published a total of 350 works, including conference proceedings and other publications, and received nearly 8000 citations. My h-index value is 51. I stayed at Michigan State University for 6 months in 2003. I have done a lot of work, especially on the application of artificial intelligence techniques to thermal systems, the use of data envelopment techniques for performance analysis of thermal systems, and especially the thermal applications of nanofluids. In the ranking evaluation made by AD Scientific Index, I am ranked 76th in the world in the field of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering.

2. What are the areas of research that currently interest you?

Currently, I focus on experimental studies on nanofluids, especially their applications in application-oriented thermal systems. I work specifically on performance improvements provided by the use of nanofluids in the PV industry.

3. What influenced your decision to collaborate with us, considering our status as an open access digital publisher?

The name of the journal impressed me. The title New Energy Exploitation and Application is quite effective, especially considering that the future of the Earth is energy-oriented.

4. In your opinion, which research subjects do you believe will captivate the energy research community in the coming years?

Developments in electric vehicles and batteries are especially interesting. I also think that research towards high-performance PV technologies will accelerate, replacing low-performance PVs. It should also be noted that Hydrogen energy can also shape the future.

5. What are your anticipations for the future of New Energy Exploitation and Application?

Like all new journals, I expect it to overcome its initial phase quickly and strengthen its publishing life by entering international indexes as soon as possible. I would like us, scientists, to use some of our work, even if limited, in the development of new journals in order to support new journals entering the market.