
Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives—A New Open Access Journal



As the editor-in-chief, I am honored and thrilled to welcome you to the launch of a new open-access journal, Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives. Soils and groundwater are the bedrock of life, providing essential support to human society, the natural environment, and the entire ecosystem. However, the quality and functionality of soils and groundwater is increasingly threatened by environmental pollutants, especially emerging contaminants [1]. Also known as contaminants of emerging concern, emerging contaminants constitute a group of newly surfaced environmental pollutants that are refractory, toxic, and bioaccumulative [2]. As emerging contaminants increasingly enters soils and groundwater, the urgency of understanding and mitigating their environmental impacts, especially from the soil and water perspectives, becomes ever more apparent [3].


emerging contaminants

Author Biography

Bin Gao is the Kodak Chair Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Prior to this, he was a professor at University of Florida, a research associate at Cornell University, and a postdoctoral research associate at Yale University. He earned his PhD degree at Cornell University and his B.S. and M.S. degrees at Nanjing University. Prof. Gao’s research mainly focuses on biochar, environmental nanotechnology, and contaminant fate and transport. He has an extensive list of publications in the field of environmental science and engineering. Prof. Gao has received several prestigious awards and professional honors such as Highly Cited Researcher, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, SSSA Fellow, and NSF CAREER Award.


  1. Bin, G. Emerging Contaminants in Soil and Groundwater Systems; Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
  2. Yadav, D.; Rangabhashiyam S.; Verma, P.; Singh, P.;Devi, P.; Kumar, P.; Hussain, C.M.; Gaurav, G.K.; Kumar, K.S. Environmental and health impacts of contaminants of emerging concerns: Recent treatment challenges and approaches. Chemosphere 2021, 272, 129492.
  3. Wang, F.; Xiang, L.; Leung, K.S.-Y.; Elsner, M.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, Y.; Pan, B.; Sun, H.; An, T.; Ying, G. et al., Emerging contaminants: A One Health perspective. The Innovation 2024, 5, 100612.