Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives


Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives ( is now recruiting Editorial Board Members (EBMs). If you are an active researcher in the field and passionate about publishing cutting-edge research, or if you could recommend potential candidates, please contact the Editorial Office ( to apply for this role.

Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives is an open access, international English language journal that serves as a research hub for researchers to exchange and advance knowledge on emerging contaminants in soil and water environments.

It focuses on not only chemicals of emerging concern such as PPCPs and PFAS, but also particles such as engineered nanoparticles and micro(nano)plastics in soils and water.

Topics covered by the journal include, but not limited to:

  • Occurrence, source identification, and pathways
  • Detection, analysis, and monitoring
  • Fate and transport
  • Toxicity, impact, and risk assessment
  • Remediation and treatment
  • Green technologies and sustainability

The benefits of Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives Editorial Board Members include the following:

  • During the term of Editorial Board Member, three manuscripts contributed or recommended by the Editorial Board Member can enjoy the full waiver of article processing charges every year, and the other recommended manuscripts can enjoy 70% discounts;
  • Articles recommended by Editorial Board Members for Topical Collections can enjoy 50% discounts;
  • Editorial Board Member certificate;
  • A reward would be given per time when the Editorial Board Member promotes the journal in his/her PPT during academic conferences;
  • The Editorial Board Member, who has made an outstanding contribution to the journal, will be advertised on our website and social media, and awarded in December of the year. Alternatively, the Editorial Office would donate an equivalent amount of money to a relevant institution or charitable organization in the Editorial Board Member's name.

The responsibilities of Emerging Contaminants: Soil and Water Perspectives Editorial Board Members include the following:

  • Maintaining close communication with the In-house Editors, providing suggestions for the development of the journal, and recommending outstanding scholars in the same field to collaborate with the journal;
  • Advising on the development of the aim and scope of the journal to make sure it aligns well with the hot topics in the field and the published content of the journal;
  • Determining the aim and scope of Topical Collections, serving as Collection Editor, and creating one Topical Collection for the journal every year to attract high-quality manuscripts in the field;
  • Contributing one article or recommending one high-quality article to the journal every year;
  • Actively promoting the journal and its articles, increasing its citation rate and impact through academic conferences and social media;
  • Conducting the pre-check for submissions received by the journal to determine whether the manuscripts can be sent for peer review, and making the final decision based on the review reports and the authors' revised versions to determine whether the manuscripts can be accepted for publication.