Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters


Dynamics of Hurricanes and Tropical Storms along the Pacific Coast of Mexico: A View from a Seismic Station


Zobin, V. (2022). Dynamics of Hurricanes and Tropical Storms along the Pacific Coast of Mexico: A View from a Seismic Station. Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters, 1(2).


  • Vyacheslav Zobin
    Centro Universitario de Estudios Vulcanológicos, Universidad de Colima, Colima, 28045, México
This study presents the analysis of seismic signatures generated during passage of hurricanes Newton (September 2016) and Willa (October 2018), recorded on the daily helicorders of a short-period seismic station at the distances about 450 km from the tracks of events. This view from seismic station allowed to obtain the following results. Periods of passage of these tropical storms and hurricanes were identified. Analysis of the dynamics of sequences of these seismic signals allowed to separate the time intervals of increase and decrease in the development of atmospheric disturbances. The spectral analysis of the signals of tropical storm Newton and hurricane Willa showed that the spectral amplitudes of signals, recorded during the maximum stage of activity of the tropical storm, were larger than the same for the maximum stage of activity of the hurricane. This may be related to the presence of intensive hailstorms during tropical storm.


Seismic signal Tropical storm Hurricane Rainfall

Author Biography


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