Digital and International Growth Hacking Business Models: Born Globals, Born Digitals, and Synergies


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This research delves into growth hacking models embraced by Born Digitals, Born Globals, and other firms, emphasizing the dynamic interplay between innovation and internationalization. Despite their unique origins and focuses, these concepts frequently intersect in business strategies, models, and entrepreneurial pursuits. Growth hacking models can be conceptually categorized based on the degree of digital innovation and the scope of business, whether local or global. This study underscores the pivotal role of growth hacking across diverse company profiles, transcending the domain of Born Digitals reliant on digital platforms. Various strategic pathways within each company's business model showcase diverse innovation routes to achieving growth and global presence. The analysis accentuates the importance of hybridity or synergistic approaches in growth hacking business model innovation within today's market landscape, offering valuable managerial insights for growth-oriented companies from their inception. It advocates for companies to embrace innovative and international strategies for enduring success, while judiciously balancing considerations of scalability and profitability against novelty and efficiency in business model design.
digital entrepreneurship; international entrepreneurship; business model innovation; growth hacking; profitability; scalabilityReferences
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