Analysis of the Interaction Effects of Electromagnetic Fields with Major Living Tissues—One Health Concept Numerical Evaluation Strategy


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The well-being and sociability of individuals have always been part of modernity. The development of new technologies that meet these aspirations is receiving increasing attention. Thus, strengthening the desired objectives of these technologies and minimizing their undesirable side effects is the subject of growing commitment. The present contribution aims, in this context, to evaluate and analyze the desired and undesirable effects of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with living tissues in general. These are routines based on mathematical modeling reinforcing the expected functions as well as those of control and protection against undesirable effects. These adverse effects correspond to the “One Health” concept, which encompasses the health of animals, plants and humans, as well as ecological disorders created by human activity. First, in this article, the interactions of electromagnetic fields with tissues are analyzed, involving their thermal biological effects of desired and undesired exposures. The roles of blood and sap fluids in bio-affected tissues are then analyzed. Secondly, the equations governing electromagnetics and bio-heat, as well as their coupled solution are studied. Third, the thermal behavior of tissues and the adverse effects of exposure are examined. Next, monitoring and defending the effects of exposures are discussed. This contribution, supported by a review of the literature, illustrates routines for mathematical modeling of the generalized interaction of electromagnetic fields with living tissues.
electromagnetic field; living tissues; thermal effects; blood and sap; bio-heat; mathematical models; One HealthReferences
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